Bill Brown, MHC

Founder, Primary Clinician

Bill Brown earned a master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Antioch University. Undergraduate work was completed at the University of Vermont where he completed degree programs in English and History. His academic work nurtured a curiosity, creativity, and a penchant to think contextually to best understand individuals within a system.

Originally interested in pursuing a career in academia and writing, after working in his first human services role, Bill quickly realized his passion for helping others become better versions of themselves. The work spoke directly and deeply to his values, strengths and interests. Early in his career he set a goal to create a program in Vermont supporting young adults working through mental health challenges.

His career has included direct care roles at primary treatment center, in community mental health, as an individual coach and mentor, and later as a therapist. Bill has served as program director, creator and managers in multiple programs across the continuum of care. He was a partner with an organization creating an emotional wellness curriculum for public schools. In service to community mental health programs, he applied for and was awarded grants which created mental health programs for underserved populations. The collection of his work experience helped orient him to the client's voice in the treatment experience and to the centrality of social justice in mental health. 

Professional interests include exploring the experience of instability, identity, and possibility in the emerging adult experience as well as the the constellations of inner experience, behavior and relationship. A primary focus of his work has been in program development with a focus on the interplay between the structure of programming with the experience of people seeking services.. 

Outside of work he spends his time with his wife and two children, skiing, mountain biking and exploring the forests around his home with his black dog. Expeditioning and canoe paddling local and distant waterways is a primary interest and he once paddled the 605-mile Back River in Canada from source to the Arctic Sea. His professional and personal interests meet in the interplay of and the distance between comfort and challenge.