Medical Care

Managing participants health, both physical and mental, is the primary work of our care teams.

Participants at Confluence work with our medical staff to maintain physical and mental health throughout their time at the program. Being attuned and actively managing one’s physical health supports the broader work participants are engaging with at Confluence, as feeling good in our bodies contributes to our overall mental health. The medical staff at Confluence work individually with each participant to monitor any ongoing health concerns, address and manage symptoms, or to assess and treat any immediate medical concern.

Nursing Care and Assessment

Participants see medical staff upon admissions for a medical assessment in which an overall health questionnaire and review is conducted with participants. Assessments are designed to help staff and participants better understand and manage any physical health challenges they may be having. From managing sleep and dietary issues to everyday health issues concerns, from headaches to nausea, medical staff help participants manage these symptoms as part of improving overall health.

Medication Management

As a state-licensed residential treatment program, Confluence is required to manage all medications and supplements for all participants. Whether for over-the-counter medications, prescriptions and for psychotropic medication, Confluence medical team and staff, safely store and manage medication and collaborate with participants in taking any medications as prescribed. This allows to work with Participants to monitor the effect and course of their medications treatment plan.